Saturday, September 28, 2019

The importance of time in Astrology

The investigation of astrology agrees essential significance to time. Not by any means two littlest divisions of time component can be said to be comparable. Every one of them is extraordinary. Each part of time invigorates the living creatures in the earth from numerous points of view. The presence of planets and their impacts on life in earth relies on time cycle. Time is the power behind the creation and obliteration of each living being in the universe. Time is ordered into 9 sorts to be specific Brahmam, Divyam, Pithryam, Prajāpathyam, Gauravam, Souram, Savanam, Chhandram and Arkham.

Day and night figurings, the blessed times of Shadhasheethi and Vishnupathi and Dakshiṇāyaṇa and Uttarāyaṇa period are figured with the assistance of Souramānam.

One lunar month contains thirty days from Prathipādam to Amāvāsya. The day by day revolution of the outstanding circle makes one star day. A Savana Day is of 60 Ghatis length starting with one dawn then onto the next dawn. Accordingly, 360 Savana days structure a Savana year. 365.25 days make a sunlight based year (Souravarsham). Kalpa is one year of Lord Brahma and is equivalent to our 4,32,00,00,000 years.

There are four Yugas, to be specific:

1. Krutha or Satya = 17, 28,000 human years

2. Thretha = 12,96,000 human years

3. Dwāparam = 8, 64,000 human years

4. Kali = 4,32,000 human years

These four Yugās together structure the Mahāyuga which traverses 4,320,000 years. The Kali Yuga is accepted to have started in 3102 BC.


Malefic Alignments in Gemini and Disturbing Times

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